I've been thinking about how powerful and necessary confessing. They bring repentance, freedom, relief, peace, joy, tears, and happiness to the confessor as well as to the ones hearing the confession. Saints from long ago even wrote confessions (i.e. St. Augustine and St. John the Cross) that bring us great comfort still yet today. This in mind, I have decided that I'm going to start posting confessions to you guys on here. My reasoning for doing this is that God will be glorified and that I honestly pray in some small way, it will lead those that I love to do the same. I pray this leads to great conversation as well among all of us and I pray that it leads us all to realize that we are all equal. "Confess your sins to one another..." (James 5:16). So here goes my first confession:
I confess to you all that no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to stop judging people. Whether it's verbally, mentally, emotionally, or with a simple reactive facial expression, judging of people seems to always happen with me. I confess that I do this because I place my personal opinions over those of other people. I also do this because in the back of my mind, my pride still tells me I'm intellectually, physically, and spiritually better than some people. I confess that this is wrong...I'm sorry and I pray that you as well as God will please forgive me.