Monday, July 23, 2007

I struggle with forward motion...
Why does it always seem like I struggle with motivation to do anything?  Ugh...this is so frustrating for me.  I feel as if I have the language down, the culture is fine, life with Spaniards is great, but this whole music thing to me just seems so overwhelming.  When something's overwhelming to me, I just shut down and say to myself "Why even bother?  I'm not going to be able to accomplish that in two years?"  

I was also thinking about 1 Corinthians 10:31 where it says "Therefore, whatever you do, whether you eat or drink, do it all for the glory of God."  I honestly have to say that I am not living this out with the music stuff here at all.  I struggle to do anything with it.  I haven't sang in two weeks, I haven't written a song in a week, and I feel like I'm just never going to accomplish anything.  However, I'm definitely not going to accomplish anything by sitting on my butt all day and doing nothing.  

I guess what I am asking for is prayer about this area of my life.  I wish there was some magic cliche or some encouraging speech that would make me want to work my hardest, but nothing comes to mind.  Pray that I will be diligent in my music work as well as work in areas that I may not like, but that I have to do.  Thanks you guys.


Will You Forgive Me? said...

I'm glad you feel that it is all too overwhelming for you, because it is bro, isn't it great? We don't realize how much we can't do because we don't see how much we are being given freely by our Father. I really treasure your honesty and will be asking that your passion for our Father's renown will bring you to the point where it's like ole Jeremiah 20:9.
You're equipped, talented, and from the way you've sharpened me in the few months I've known you, I've become convinced that your life is designed to bless many! Live out Prov.24:11 bro, He's big enough! I love you man and am with you in Spirit.


Amanda Jennewein said...

maybe the greater issue is your level of expectation. "How am I ever going to accomplish this?" Accomplish what? Maybe you are seeing a horion much larger than you need to, maybe figure out what steps you need to take, TODAY and tomorrow ask, God, what steps can I take today. Often when you have the bigger picture in mind you can't focus on what is in front of you.

Often I find myself overwhelmed by what I think the end goal is, when I figure even part of it out I realize that the end destination isn't what it was when I started. Destroy your expectations and focus on what you can do today, just some personal thoughts!