Thursday, July 12, 2007

On The Set...or Something like that

So today we were getting work done (or I should say Matt was getting work done and I was sleeping because I wasn't feeling good) and Matt gets a call. Come to find out, Woody Allen is filming a movie in Barcelona and he was filming part of the movie a few feet from our apartment and right under the girl jman's apartment. Naturally, we hurried over to the girls apartment to catch the action.

Sure enough, there was Woody Allen standing there waiting for things to be set up for the scene they were filming next in the movie. We find out through others that Scarlet Johannson and Penelope Cruz are in this movie as well. Well we are waiting around to see the other stars and sure enough, Scarlett Johannson comes on the set. She's pretty short and look like a normal person for the most part. I got a few pictures of Scarlett and Woody (we're on first name

(I know you can't tell, but trust me when I say that this is Woody Allen)

(Yep...that's Scarlett Johannson a few feet away from the girl's and my apartment)

Anyways, in new developments, things have been going pretty slow right now. I have moved into the apartment with Matt as of a week ago and am still trying to get adjusted to a new schedule. Meanwhile, I am meeting with my intercambios and those are going really well. I really believe I am making some good friends out of these intercambios and just sharing life with these Spaniards. Pray that I will be able to write songs, find venues and muster up the courage to perform my songs in local venues. Until then, take care and God bless.

1 comment:

Oleg & Amanda said...

Hey Johnathan! Good to see/read that you are doing well and enjoying your new life in Barcalona. I love the pic of Scarlett. :) I doubt any movie stars will be coming to my city any time soon! Have a great day! ~Amanda