Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My spanish classes have been going well. I have two Swiss guys, 4 French girls, and one Brazilian in my class...they're all pretty cool people. The Swiss guys are relaxed and very easy kind of people.

My roommate bought me ice cream two days ago. It was a double chocolate thing...Really good.

I'm beginning to feel apart of the family here at my resi. Pray for that the Lord will bless them on their exams, which are in June. They only have one exam in each of their classes for the whole semester...YIKES!

I've been doing a lot of walking here, which is great but tiring at the end of the day.

I will be gone all next week on a hiking trip called El Camino de Santiago De Compostela. We will hike about 15 miles a day for five days, which will be fun. Here's some of the things I will get to see:

Hiking in Europe...Never done that before.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

Hikes have been a prevalent theme lately with us FPOers. Anyways, I want some great pictures from your hike and some great stories when you return in a week! I will be lifting up your time there while you are out and about.