Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Festa Major De Gracia
     Every year between August and September, each neighborhood in the city of Barcelona celebrates it's existence with music, fair-like food and other things.  The first of these festivals is the Festa Major De Gracia.  In the neighborhood of Gracia, streets compete by decorating their portion of the streets with recyclables or other things.  The winner gets the sole recognition of winning the major event.  There is also a lot of bands playing, people dancing, people watching movies.  That being said, I went with my friend Federico to discover what all the fuss was about.  Here are the pictures to prove it

Me standing in the underwater-designed street (yes Mike, I have a
This one is the one that got first place in two categories.  It was so impressive, I couldn't get all of it in one shot.

This is me and my friend Federico.  We had a good time of conversation and sharing about things with an awkward pause every now and then.

So as you can see the festival was quite fun.  More pictures coming soon.



Will You Forgive Me? said...

Hey, gotta love those awkward silences! When you're an only child, awkward silences are your life lol. Neat pics, great to see you've been having some fun!

Matt said...

love the chin action going on there.. glad to see things are well bro